That shimmering goddess of poetry, Shirley J. Brewer, is my Maryland poet of the day.
I'm headed for Florida this morning, where I'll be enjoying the hot sun, cool ocean water, and iced treats.

Iced Latte
by Shirley J. Brewer
Tall Mt. Rainier 14.411 feet
Super Mt. McKinley 20,320 feet
Grandė Mt. Everest 29.035 feet
My massive mocha
comes with a mini-oxygen mask:
coffee with an altitude.
A scoop of sweet snow
captures the summit,
drizzles down the side.
Ice cubes glisten
like tiny glaciers.
I radio for chocolate sprinkles.
No Sherpa guides, I slurp alone
through a tall white straw.
Caffeine attacks my mental clouds.
My brain crackles with adrenaline,
a mountain of chores
disappears and a cold caloric wind
blows my doldrums away.
Posted with permission of the author.
Writing Exercise
Food odes are always fun -- especially when the ode is about a food we love. Shirley J. Brewer takes her poem a step further, though, by using metaphor. From the opening "elevation" list, the poem makes use of the caffeine = altitude concept by incorporating it into each stanza.
Come up with a metaphor for your favorite (or least favorite) food. In each stanza of your poem, find a way to build on the comparison.
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